KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dec 31 Training

Good job everyone that came to training! The course was tough and tested the legs. "The legs feed the wolf gentlemen." Tomorrow we are on Bunny Buster from 8-10 to train SL, then you are off the rest of the day. Jan 1 is off as well. GET YOUR SLEEP!!!! We will start up training again on Jan 2. We will be training GS that day. See you on the hill!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Plan For Sunday Dec. 30th

The GS training today was salvaged. The ugly weather this morning moved out and we were able to train a short section of GS on the bottom of highline, the group got a lot out of the training block.

Tomorrow, December 30th we will train sl from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. The van from school will leave at 7:45 am.

See everyone soon!


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Race at Okemo/Training

Great day on the hill today. Chad Hedlund was 3rd today and Jimmy Ryan was 11th. There were a few other notable performances but I'm not sure exactly where they finished. Conditions were tough with a bit of rain in the first run, then snow for the second run. Official results have not been posted yet. Keep checking the VARA website for updated results. All the boys looked well rested and ready to go for the race.
Tomorrow's schedule has changed a little. We have gate training from 10-12 instead of 8-10. The younger crowd is going to ski in the morning and then we are going to jump into their course to simulate race day conditions... ROUGH course! It should be good for the guys and I hope they will get a lot out of it. I plan to meet them outside the ski club at 9:00. We will take a few runs working on technique before we jump into the GS course. Saturday the guys should plan to bring GS skis as well. We are going to work on speed elements... which simply means we are going to find a jump and work on form in the air. Saturday should be a real fun day. And don't worry parents, the jump will be spotted by a coach and not too big! lol Stay tuned for any changes to the schedule.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Day after Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Santa remembered you! It's race day tomorrow at Okemo!! Two runs of slalom and 0ne winner... who is it going to be!? Athletes do not have to ride in the KMS van, they are allowed to drive themselves with Parent's permission. If your athlete is planning to ride in the KMS van please be at KMS by 6:45 for a 6:55-7:00 departure. If they arrive at 7:01... chances are we have left already and they are on their own.
Training on Friday will be GS in the morning from 8-10. After we will free ski for another hour and a half. The days to follow we are scheduled to train GS. We'll keep the athletes and the blog posted with any changes so please keep checking it for updates. Keep in mind that on training days vans will leave KMS 15 minuets prior to our scheduled training time and athletes are encouraged to park at KMS and take the van on these days to cut down on the number of teenagers driving in a crowded parking lot.

Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Training at Killington

The group has had a great couple of days. Yesterday we were fortunate enough to have early lifts for Super-G training on Super Star. The group was fired up. The mountain photographer was taking pictures and you should be able to find them on the Killington website. Today we had two GS Drill courses up on Bunny Buster, working on tactics and movement. The group did a great job!
Tomorrow morning sport is the responsibility of the athlete, they are to perform 8 dynamic stretches and then GS training on High line.

Best Regards,


Monday, December 17, 2007

Sugarloaf... Cold?

Well... today was canceled due to sub zero temps and high winds. So the boys slept in this morning, later in the day they went to the pool for a short work out and then played some wally ball with John Canney and the Bates team. Now they are getting their skis ready to rock and roll for tomorrow! The first SL race here on Sunday was a rough one to say the least... the snow came in early and did not stop all day. The wind blew the snow around and made it real tough to see more than 5 or so gates. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold but with less wind. We should have no problem running the race. The race should be on live-timing so check it out. However, keep in mind live-timing is not always correct. Stay tuned and stay warm. Picture: Danny digging into some cookie dough ice cream.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday, Monday Plan

With the storm hitting us on Sunday and Monday again, the guys the option of what day they want to ski. Patrick and myself will be going out on Monday (van leaves @ 8:40am.) No morning sport. Sorry for the late notice. Go Pats!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hello Race Fans,
Here are some pictures from the hill today and the hall way yesterday. The skiing action shot is of Jim Ryan in a straight sl flush drill. Parker keeping Patrick Sinnott in line in the halls of KMS. And Jake Mason looking sharp while taking a break from drill work on the hill.
Today the group had two drill courses set on Bunny Buster. As you can see by the pictures the snow continues to fall.
Tomorrow one group will leave for Sugarloaf Eastern Cups, while the other group will head to Bromley for a Vermont Cup Sl. Bromly vans will load at 6:30 am and depart at 6:45 am. The Stratton Vermont Cup GS has been postponed. We will ski at Killington on Sunday, departing the school at 7:45 am.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

GS on High Line

Today the group trained GS on High Line. The snow was nice and hard. The pictures here are Kip Spangler, Kris Hopkins and Tyler Flinn. It is snowing like crazy right now! I think every one would agree that we are off to a better start than last year, in terms of snow. Hope every one is well!
Morning Sport at 7:30 am for Friday.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dr. Greenwood in the boot Room.

Iced out of Training

The group got out on the hill and in the lift line at 7:45 am this morning. However, to our dismay the chair line was iced over and we were unable to load the lift in time for our training block. The group ended up free skiing, working on individual needs and having fun in the new snow. Here is a picture of Coach Torey Greenwood hard at work in the boot room. As mentioned in the blog yesterday, no morning sport tomorrow.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well... after our first weekend racing I think on the whole all the coaches are pleased with what they saw. The boys still have a lot of work to do but are traveling the right path. Kris Hopkins had a good weekend... winning the J2 class on the home hill in Slalom and the finishing 2nd in the j2 class at Okemo in GS. Rob Visconti moved from a start position of 61 into 36th position. There were a lot of other notable performances... too many to mention but on the hole a great weekend of racing. Today we trained GS on highline, the snow was a little soft but after a few runs we got down to the hard stuff. Tomorrow we have an 8 am lift ride up the superstar quad to train Super-G on the middle section of Superstar. This should be a great session for all the guys. Thursday morning sport is off. Friday morning sport is at 7:30. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mike on top Pete on bottom

GS on Bunny Buster

You can feel the excitement in the air as the snow continues to fall up here at Killington.
The guys had a great second day on their GS skis. We started out with some free skiing and drills then quickly moved into a Double Stack GS Trun shape drill on Bunny Buster. The snow is soft, very good for these Eastern bred boys. We will continue with GS tomorrow afternoon. The pictures above are from training today!

No morning sport tomorrow.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fresh Snow

After what seemed like an eternity, the guys finally got to ski some powder today. With the team switching to the Monday off schedule it seemed like bad timing with all the snow we got the past few days, but the guys bit the bullet and refrained from skiing fresh powder yesterday and took a much needed day off. Today was the first day on GS skis and the guys got used to their new skis along with the new radius. It was a bit difficult skiing in soft snow accompanied with random mogles, but it was a great day to be on the hill. Tomorrow we will be getting into turn shape GS brushes along with some GS drills to get them back in the groove.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Frosty morning

As you can see from the pics below the team is in sl mode. We continued with two sections of sl today on Bunny Buster. The first course was a rhythm course with brushes at the top of the turns helping the athletes with tactics. The second course was 20 gates of full on sl. The majority of the team skied very well. Today was the first real cold winter day we have had this year, in the single digits up on the hill.
Tomorrow we will have sl training from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Bunny Buster.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!