KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Race at Okemo/Training

Great day on the hill today. Chad Hedlund was 3rd today and Jimmy Ryan was 11th. There were a few other notable performances but I'm not sure exactly where they finished. Conditions were tough with a bit of rain in the first run, then snow for the second run. Official results have not been posted yet. Keep checking the VARA website for updated results. All the boys looked well rested and ready to go for the race.
Tomorrow's schedule has changed a little. We have gate training from 10-12 instead of 8-10. The younger crowd is going to ski in the morning and then we are going to jump into their course to simulate race day conditions... ROUGH course! It should be good for the guys and I hope they will get a lot out of it. I plan to meet them outside the ski club at 9:00. We will take a few runs working on technique before we jump into the GS course. Saturday the guys should plan to bring GS skis as well. We are going to work on speed elements... which simply means we are going to find a jump and work on form in the air. Saturday should be a real fun day. And don't worry parents, the jump will be spotted by a coach and not too big! lol Stay tuned for any changes to the schedule.

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