KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wolf Pack Attack!!!

The season is not over yet, but these last few races have made the coaches very proud. Peter winning the Vermont cup finals Slalom on the home hill will stick with him and the coaches for a while. And how about that Visconti kid. We knew he had it in him, but damn. Tim Spangler had a personal best result at Middlebury and was 3rd on the second run, beating a few of the college guys. Chad Hedlund got out of bed and clinched the Vermont Cup overall award by placing 8th in the GS. KMS had 5 guys place in the top 15. Mike Mitchell put two good runs together and finished 15th. Jim Ryan played the waiting game in the morning. He was not in the race but he hung in there, someone did not show up and he was allowed to get into the race. His answer to that was a first place finish for J2's. There were a few other great performances and personal bests at these races, so our congrats goes out to them as well. The hard work is paying off! Hopefully the boys remember this during the off season and hit the gym like raging wolves!!!

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