KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hi All,

Hope summer is going well & everyone has enjoyed a little time off!
We're starting to get the ball rolling for next season & hopefully have been in touch with everyone over the past few weeks.

France camp is rapidly approaching, so make sure you're all set to go & the passport's in a safe place!
If there are any equioment issues still unresolved PLEASE get in touch with either myself or new Head Men's Coach Jack Bailey ASAP!

IMMEDIATELY after we return from France there is going to be am intensive dryland & conditioning camp at KMS! We hope that everyone will be able to attend, especially those who are unable to travel to France with us!

If you need infromation about the dryland camp;
please contact our new Program Director Tom Sell.

the flyer is also posted on the KMS website, accessable from the "camps" page.

All for now, make sure you're having fun & getting stronger every day!


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