KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Been awhile since we had a blog. Sorry, but march is busy. Great results so far this month and we are only a week in.
At EAC's earlier this week I must give kudos to Allison Visconti who slayed the slalom portion of the super combined to take second overall.

For the J2 boys recently at J2 easterns, Dylan Malone did some slaying of his own taking the second run and the overall win in the men's slalom. Dan Martin stepping up big lately as well took 9th and Cameron Price in 16th.

As we move into the second week of March we have a crew heading north to the Ontario Championships, to Gore, NY for Finals and a small crew reeling it back in here at home with some training and looking ahead to the next Devo Fis series march 18-21 and USSA series around the same dates.

Stay tuned for more results.


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