KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back to GS today for the last day of the block and the boys were hungry for it. Some young bucks swapped the fast splits of the day with Kyle taking them and James sticking his nose in there on the top. Overall, Kyle took most of the runs on this 40 second course with the old veteran of the group Dylan, taking the last run of the day.

Michael was all of a sudden right in the thick of it once he gave a little love to his boards.
The first to runs of the day there was quite a hard surface so sharp skis were a good thing.
Cam and Peter are getting their gs mojo back and working to find more speed by rolling that ski cleanly. While Jeffry and Tommy are trying to keep those fundamentals solid in the course.

A great time was had by all. The training, the weather, b-ball games, SG couldn't have been more what the doctor ordered for these guys. This was just the first step in skiing fast this year.


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