KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We wrapped up our July Conditioning Camp with a little of this;
The boys and girls are getting to be pretty good climbers.  Making some really good moves, learning what they can do, trusting themselves and their teammates and thinking on their own.  It's really only you and the rock once your 30-40 feet up.  You have to make your own decisions, have the concentration and the will to press on. 

That way when you meet conditions like this;
you can overcome!

Great camp!  Everyone did a really awesome job, the staff was impressed.  Everyone pushed themselves, some found they can push more and I believe many improvements will be made by the fall. 

See you all in Chile!  Here are a few more shots. 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Great Camp and Beautiful weather for this years Alpine Conditioning Camp.  As we wrap things up tomorrow we have been busy getting a lot done.  We started off with some Games of Strength, followed by a team relay up to Deer's Leap from Gifford Woods.  Of Course, our special "Navy Seals" training.  That's a long day!  Today we had a uphill time trial, on bikes, up to the top of Middlebury Gap, 2,144 feet.  The athletes definitely suffered a little on that one, however the staff didn't think it was tough enough so some road down the other side below Breadloaf before returning. 
Tomorrow we conclude things with some climbing and a strength session.  Thanks to all who attended and really nice job.  For the 3 years I been here we have really come a long way with our fitness and we are continuing to push the limits even further!


and there's always time for community service!!  thanks Guys and Girls!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

More challenging conditions for our last day on snow for this camp.  It was GS again and it was foggy to say the least. 

All turned out OK, the salt took, we put out the runway lights and the boys skied well.  A bit tired after this four day block, we cut things after 5 runs, packed up and headed for Hood River for lunch.  We arrived in Portland about 4pm, just in time for a little cart driving and batting practice.  Then the red eye crew headed for PDX.  Safe travels boys, great camp for you guys!

We leave the Pacific Northwest and head east tomorrow, until next time?  Thanks
