KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, August 9, 2012

You could not have asked for better training down here at LaParva.  Yesterday was a bluebird day that warmed up nicely in the afternoon, however the snow surface stayed mid winter conditions.  It was our first day of SG training on the downhill course, El Descenso.  The guys really skied well and learn a lot from their seven runs throughout the morning.  The highlight being of course, a nice jump they built us at the top about 4 turns in that sends the guys about 20 meters over the first pitch.  The flight time will increase a bit today as the track gets faster and we bring them in with a little more heat.

Everyone really enjoyed themselves and I cannot tell you how important this is for their development.  This is why we make the long trip here, the quality of training is just amazing.  Day 2 of SG today, I am sure it will be a good show.


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