KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday was another full day in LaParva.  The weather has been seasonable, pleasant and the snow staying good through most of the day.  We continued working on our basic skiing skills on SL skis in the am and then again taking some runs on GS in the pm.  This morning (Tuesday), our last day in the first block already, we'll be skiing on Tortolas up on top of the mountain for just one longer session.   Starting to dial in our GS skis and giving the kids a little taste of apex and pressure placement work. 

The first day off tomorrow will be completely recovery;  sleep in, relax, eat and drink well and get ready for the next four day which will have some early morning session included as this is when the snow is best, crowds are low and we can be most efficient. 

Good day!

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