KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Busy first week here at KMS.  A great start to the year with the orientation trip to North Creek; team building, rafting, ropes, good fun!

Now were into the first week of testing and training.  The boys are putting forth great effort and came back to school ready to work and increase their physical conditioning from summer.  Below they received some strength education and technique work from Jim St. Pierre, our new strength and conditioning coach.  Welcome Jim! 

And Oh yes, the KBR ride.  Many of the alpine guys rode the Kelly Brush ride on Saturday, Sept. 7th.  It was a awesome event and the weather could not have been more perfect for riding; little bit of sun, temps in the mid to high 60's, perfect cycling weather.
    (The Kelly Brush foundation supports trail safety, protection and supplies handicap equipment to skiers and riders.)

Training will be in full swing next week as we have only a three week block until were on snow again in Austria.

Ride on, train hard and Ski fast!



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