KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday 2-8-08

Update on the J1-J2 State Super-G at Sugarbush. The state Super-G that was resceduled for this Sunday 2-11 has been postponed again to Monday 2-18.

Today the J2s had a interesting day at the state GS at Burke. We got off to a good start at 5:30am with only one person forgeting his boots, a road block in Woodstock, and me confusing washer fluid for brake fluid... Then I got my coffee. We get to Burke and push a ton of snow off the track and get going. It was a great race and it ran well. The course was soft and rough for the guys, but they toughed it out and most put two together. With all said and done, we got away with 3 in the top 15 and two broken thumbs. While the J2s were at Burke the J1s had some prep training at Suicide 6 for the State SL that will be held there tomorrow.


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