KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, February 17, 2008

State Super-G is postponed until Tuesday the 17th

Due to some bad weather coming in on Monday, Sugarbush has postponed the SG... again. Hopefully this time it will happen. Monday will be off for everyone and then Wednesday is off as well. We get back into training on Thursday. We will be training SL on Highline Thursday afternoon. The vans going to Sugarbush for the State SG will leave at 6:00 am on Tuesday the 19th. On days off you should not be skiing!! Relax, ride a bike, get on a swiss ball for balance. Active rest is what you guys need right now, not on snow time. Get some homework done, maybe even get ahead because a lot of you will be going on the road for a while. Give a call if you have any questions. 1-802-746-8087. Thats a home # so don't call too late... or else!!!
The J1 boys raced today in the State GS at Middlebury. Chad Hedlund squeezed into 13th position, Pete Calhoun finished 24, Tim Spangler 29 and Pat Sinnott was 39th. They all skied hard and deserve a day off. Stay tuned for more action to come!!!

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