KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, August 7, 2008

august 7th

Top: Group picture
Bottom: Shane Hedlund diving into oblivion.

No worries, we picked shane up at the bottom and he was fine :)
today was amazing, we arrived at the mountain around 6:50 for a 7:15 lift ride. Sunrise was breathtaking! The boys trained 5 runs of Slalom and we headed down the hill to get them rested. We plan to run the same early schedule for the rest of camp. The next few days will be longer ones so they need the rest now. Tomorrow's plan is to ski full length GS from the top of the mountain. The kids are ready, all have been progressing well, it should be a good test of skill to move up to a bit more challenging terrain. We have had our share of being snowed out of training but i am impressed with the tenacity and skill retention the group has demonstrated. And skiing in such soft snow is teaching them to be better students of the game!


Peter Sig said...

Great stuff.......breathtaking views. I'm sure the camera doesn't fully capture the beauty of the place.

Keep working hard guys!

Thanks for the update.


THE MAN said...

nice extension shayne....