KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Zealand update

Yep, we are all still alive, sorry for the delay in updates. My computer is on the fritz. But I'm back online for now! We lost two days to the storm that hit. We free skied yesterday. The snow was heavy and wet. Not much powder to be had even though we received 1 meter of snow... 39.6 inches. Today we got back into gates and trained full length GS. The snow was a bit soft but its good to learn how to ski in all conditions. The boys are doing great!... I see improvement every day. This morning was an early start. The kids had to put chains on at 6:20am... it was pitch black and they could hardly see anything... Good thing we spent time training chain installation. On one of our days off snow the boys worked on their technique and speed of chain installation. That was a good time. :)
When we arrived at the hill this morning it was still dark. As we rode the chair to the top the sun was rising. I got some nice pictures, I'll post them later. This is quite a remarkable place. After training the boys went free skiing until noon. At 3:30 we have dryland, we have developed a new game since we have been here. I guess for now we'll call it rug-ball. It is a combination of soccer, ultimate Frisbee and touch football. Basically speed-ball, for those who know what that is, except we play with a rugby ball. We would like to come up with a better name for the game so if you have any ideas let us know. :) Its one of the best games I've seen played. It is a true test of hand, foot, eye coordination.

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