KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, July 28, 2008

First day in Gates

Today was a great day... we could see the whole mountain and the snow was great. Coaches set a turn-shape course for the athletes and we saw a lot of improvement in most of the kids. We took about 5 runs then had a short break to watch video and have a snack. After the break they headed out again for 2-3 more runs in the course and 3 free ski runs to end on. Tomorrow the mountain is going to open early so we can get training in before the next storm rolls in. The boys have to get up around 5:45am for a 6:20 departure. Our plan is to continue the progression of GS over the next few days. Everyone is healthy and motivated, that makes my job much easier. Hope all is well back home I hear it has been a bit wet, so stay dry and stay tuned.

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