KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, July 21, 2008

Snow in July

Great second day on snow. We really hit the ground running today. Our pit crew of tire chain installers cut the time of installation down to just over five minuets! Still not good enough though, I think we can get the time down to under 3 min. As you can see from the pictures we had a bit of snow this morning. The lifts were only a few minuets late getting going and as the day went on the weather cleared up very nicely. The boys free skied for the first part of the morning and then we started our drill progression. The snow was tough to ski in so we will have to re-visit some of the drills we did today, in the days to come. I'm very pleased with most of the guys, they are in pretty good shape. We skied until 2pm today and they were all early for dryland. When the weather gets a bit better we will try and get a group picture to post, today was not the day for that. The boys have not called home yet I'm sure. After dryland I will encourage them yet again to get calling cards and touch base with you. Keep in mind it could be a late call, as I write this it is 11:35pm there at home and we just finished dryland.

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