KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

With the warm weather we had at the end of last week we only got one day of skiing in. They have been making snow the past few days so hopefully the mountain will be open by Friday. While we weren't on snow the guys have had some productive workouts. Today we had a fun day on the field playing some flag football and speedball. We were going to do sprint intervals at the Rutland track but we figured they were all too sore from a tough lift yesterday.
Chaz always bringing high intensity

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First round of physical testing is over

I think the boys are a little sore after all the testing... as they should be. Yesterday the boys did the Cooper Test (12 min run) and then we played a few games at the fields. After compiling all the test scores we can say that the boys tested have good upper body and lower body strength, very good foot speed and agility, excellent anaerobic capacity. As a group they need to pay more attention to core strength during the off season, there were a few excellent results but on the average the group needs to improve in this area. Overall the coaching staff is pleased with the effort and results for this testing session. We are in the process of tweaking our dryland program to improve the areas that need more attention. With that said, I think the boys have set them selves up to have a great season. If any parents wish to talk more about individual results please don't hesitate to call us or send an e-mail. Pray for cold weather and more snow!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Physical Testing

Physical testing is going great. Jimmy Ryan successfully squatted 270% of his body weight 3 times.
Mark Grundy did 122 sit-ups in 2 min. Today we will test the athletes' explosive power with the vert jump, 10 jump and box jump. Tomorrow they will test their aerobic base with the 12 min run.
The boys seem to be in pretty good shape... but we'll see after the 3 days who is and who is not. :)

Coaches took a few runs on the mountain this morning, if the weather stays fair the mountain should be able to stay open. We're keeping our fingers crossed. Hitting the ground running could be a huge advantage for these boys.

Jimmy "the ant"