KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, March 26, 2009

KMS Cup Standings with one RACE LEFT!!!

The KMS CUP winner is determined by the best 15 races per athlete. Points are acquired through-out the season. These are the standings thus far counting each athletes BEST 15 results. Some athletes may not have 15 races counted because of DNF's or because they did not place in top 30 in a FIS event. There is only ONE award given! The winner will get a belt buckle with their name and year engraved on it. Who will it be?... Chad Naro or Matt Beers? It comes down to last race! Best of luck to everyone.

Rank Points Name diff
1 971 Matt Beers 0
2 962 Chad Naro -9
3 806 Rob Visconti -165
4 778 Kip Spangler -193
5 753 Tyler Flinn -218
6 702 Shane Hedlund -269
7 674 Jim Ryan -297
8 652 Sam Bateman -319
9 646 Anders Sigourney -325
10 588 Dylan Malone -383
11 570 Mark Grundy -401
12 557 Danny Moore -414
13 550 Will Jaye -421
14 473 Brendan Bucksbaum -498
15 469 Mike Mitchell -502
16 412 Sam Scheu -559
17 407 Zach Stockman -564
18 333 Charles Griffen -638
19 310 Tim Spangler -661
20 233 Nick Severini -738

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

training Wednesday 25

Sorry the blog hasnt been updated in awhile. Here is the schedule for the rest of the week.
Wed. 25, 7:30AM sport Van @ 8:45. SL. Blizzard will be there for testing.
Thurs. 26, AM sport OFF. Van @ 12:45. SL
Friday. 27, 7:30 AM sport. Van @ 8:45. SL
Sat. 28, Stowe SL. Van @ 6:00am from KMS.

I'll let you know if anything changes. We have Rossignols at the school if anybody wants to test let me know and I will set the bindings up.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sugarbush FIS devo Wednesday

Schedule is the same as Tuesday. Everybody that was in today is in for tomorrow. Van leaves school @ 6:15 am

Follow The link to see pics from Cochrans SL!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Van Leaves 6:15AM SHARP !!!
7:00 Reg
7:30 coache's lift (ALL COACHES !!! for possible salting)
8:00 athlete lift
8:15 - :45 inspection 1 (Window is till 8:30)
9:00 START
11:15 - :45 inspection 2

Possible salt before inspection !!!
Inspection will be sideslip IN & OUT !!! DO NOT GO AROUND GATES AT ALL IN ANY WAY!!!

2nd run will be moved up if at all possible, posted @ bottom of lift if it does.

T. Spangler
C. Naro
M. Mitchell
M. Grundy
D. Moore
S. Hedlund
M. Beers
T. Flinn
S. Schue
K. Spangler
D. Malone

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leaving for Cochran's

Ladies & Gentleman.

We'll be leaving for Da race tomorrow @ 6:15AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be here or be square...

-Men's Alpine Staff

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The last race to count towards the KMS Cup is the race at Stowe on the 28th of March. We will tally up the best 15 results per athlete and declare a winner. The winner gets a belt buckle with their name engraved into it! It's the bottom of the ninth and it's anyone's belt buckle!!! Best of luck!!! And here are the standings after Finals at OKEMO.

Rank Points Name diff
1 882 Chad Naro 0
2 746 Kip Spangler -136
3 714 Matt Beers -168
4 712 Jim Ryan -170
5 681 Tyler Flinn -201
6 648 Anders Sigourney -234
7 647 Shane Hedlund -235
8 586 Rob Visconti -296
9 525 Mark Grundy -357
10 512 Sam Bateman -370
10 512 Dylan Malone -370
12 497 Danny Moore -385
13 467 Will Jaye -415
14 363 Brendan Bucksbaum -519
15 362 Sam Scheu -520
16 320 Zach Stockman -562
17 271 Charles Griffen -611
18 269 Mike Mitchell -613
19 197 Nick Severini -685
20 180 Tim Spangler -702

Thursday, March 12, 2009

GS kemo Friday

Vans will leave for Okemo at 7:15. Those of you driving yourself be there by 8.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Training at Killington Thursday/Friday

Morning sport is at 7:30 Thursday am... this is a change from a normal Thursday. Training on snow will be SL on hingline in the afternoon Vans will leave at 12:45.
Friday: Morning sport at 7:30 and then SL training, vans leave at 8:45am.
The weekend is looking real busy due to J4 states going on so the plan is to free ski on SL skis Saturday and Sunday. Stay tuned for more info regarding the weekend plans.

Finals SG at Okemo

Vans will leave at 7:15am. If you are driving yourself please be at Okemo by 8 am. If you are waxing swix put on HF 7 and 8. 1 to one ratio... half and half. Holmenkol wax call is rub on GW 25 then wax beta in with it all at once.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finals Okemo Monday

The Van for finals will be leaving the school at 7:30am... For those of you driving on your own, lifts open at 9, registration is before that, plan accordingly. The weather doesnt look very promising for tomorrow but we'll do our best to pull the training run off. I will bring DH skis to the hill and we'll do binding checks at the bottom.

Danny Moore makes US Nationals

A big congratulations to Danny Moore for qualifying to US Nationals! By his performance at EACs this week, Danny has earned himself an invitation to Alyeska ski resort in Alaska to race against the top skiers in the country.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Training for Saturday March 7

We will be leaving the school at 7:45. We will be free skiing so bring either SL skis or your Twintips if you want.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sugarloaf Super-G

Very sunny day up on the hill today! The boys skied great for the most part. There were a few pilot errors today but no injuries to the body... just ego perhaps. ;) Chad Naro had a smokin run from start position 50 and ended up in 11th place overall. great job Chad! Shane Hedlund moved up from start position 64 to finish 28th overall.
After the Super-G the boys all trained some SL to get back some quickness after skiing so much speed. Mike and I were glad to see the boys have not missed a beat and are still as quick as before!... Kinda like riding a bike I guess. Tomorrow we race GS.
Saturday is a much needed day off and then the SL race is going to be on Sunday. Stay tuned for GS results tomorrow!!! -Coaches

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Training Thursday Mar. 5

Morning sport is off... We will be training GS on highline in the Afternoon Van leaves @ 12:45

Congratulations DANNY MOORE

Danny Moore won the Eastern Alpine Championship Downhill today. Danny started 43 and skied extremely fast. He was clocked at 73mph. Only two other guys reached this speed. Congrats to Danny for truly earning the win today! The other boys skied well and are now looking forward to the SG race tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DH Video

I started up loading before dinner and it still has not uploaded... I will try again tomorrow. :(

Sugarloaf Training run 1

Nice sunny day here at the Loaf! The boys skied real well. There should be some video posting soon. Connection speed is slow so stay tuned.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tuesday March 3 training

Training for Tuesday is A.M. sport OFF. We will be training SL on lower skylark in the afternoon after advisory. PM sport is an all body lift.


No ski racing happened today. Sugarloaf received about 9 inches of new snow last night and through the day today. We spent time slipping the track to prepare for a training run tomorrow. The boys also spent time catching up on homework. They are all in great spirits and are ready to charge tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Monday Mar 2nd training

The training schedule for Monday the 2nd will be Morning sport at 7:30. Then GS training on Needles van @ 8:45. See ya there.