KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, February 28, 2011

A rainy Monday

The weather did not want to cooperate today so the guys are getting an extra day off snow. With the extra. Ime this afternoon we did a light upper body lift. Now the guys have a little break before their spin workout at 4:15.
Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow and we can get something done.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Slalom freeski and apex refresher day

Today we have a group of the guys and a couple of the girls up for a little slalom, some freeski and a few runs of SL apex. Jack is out with the group working on a little technique refresher while Greg and I set the apex course. Hardy is taking a couple runs to set a good line for the boys. Not only is the snow awsome today but the sun is out and it doesn't feel all that crowded right now.
great day here at ktown
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Stratton NJR SL Day 2

We have reached the end of the NJR FIS races in the east this winter. The conditions today were challenging to say the least. It rained off and on through the first run and for most of the second run. Our guys did a good job adjusting to the terrain and unusual snow conditions. Dylan made it down for the race today after a day off yesterday. He skied well first run and skied himself into 10th overall after being 5th in the second run. Dan Martin also did a good job in the rain and skied up to 24th overall from bib 32, 12th for J2's. Mike Ferri nearly cut his bib in half, moving from 57th up to 32nd, 19th for 2's. Dan Scherding more than cut his start number in half, from bib 69 to 33. Kenny did a great job today making it down two runs and moving up to 58th after starting 138, he now has two FIS slalom finishes and will have a greatly improved start number after the next list. Today had a fairly high number of DNF's due to the ruts and inconsistent surface. 140 started first run and finished up with 75 at the end of the day.

Today also marked the last chance for J2's to collect points in the race to qualify for J2 nationals at Sugarloaf next month. After DNF's by many of the J2's that were in the hunt to qualify the day turned into a bit of a nail biter. At the end of the day our boys benefited from consistently strong results through out the season. With 20 J2 men qualifying from the east KMS had a very strong performance this season, we will be sending 3 athletes to nationals this year.

Congratulations to Kyle Burcin, Cam Price, and Dan Martin who will be representing Killington Mountain School and the Eastern region at J2 Nationals at Sugarloaf in March.

I will get some pictures posted later this weekend.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stratton NJR Day 1

Today was a good day at Stratton. The sun was out, the wind was blowing, and the snow was fairly good. The surface was better than I had expected on our way down this morning. Our boys skied well and moved up, putting themselves in position for good overall finishes.
At the end of the day Kyle was able to move up into 14th, 7th for J2's. After a DQ in the top 30 first run Kip was able to take advantage of starting first second run, moving up from 30th into 16th and third on the run. Dan Martin also had a good day, moving into 23rd, 12th for J2's. Andrew started 109 first run and battled his way up to 58th, and Tyler also made an impressive move from 139th up into 76th.
Hopefully the weather stays dry tomorrow and the guys can ski well and continue to move up.


Nice and sunny at Stratton.
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The guys that started in the back skied well and improved on their bibs. Now we are inspecting and getting ready for second run.

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Stratton njr

The first run is done and the boys out themselves in position to ski well and move up next run. Kyle skied in to 22nd Dan will be running first second run after skiing into 30th. Kip just missed the flip in 31 but that may change after the dq list comes out. Julien skied well and nearly cut his bib in half skiing into 60th. The guys in the back did a good job using tyr groove
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Training prep for NJR SLalom's. Great training yesterday on Skylark and new venue, Wildfire.

here is a look.


Well, busy weekend of racing. This past weekend should make up for next, as the boys will take a little mid winter break this coming weekend for the big push of March.

Saturday, a crew traveled over to Sunapee, NH for Tecnica Cup Finals GS. Kippy, Brendan, Marshall, Jeffry, David and Peter had some good success on Saturday.

Kip was on the podium, in 3rd, Brendan 8th, Peter with a fine day in 17th, David, trying to refine his gs skiing a bit, in 24th and Jeffry and Marshall in 34th and 59th, respectively. Marshall getting back into training and racing has been trying to get his race head back and Jeffry, who has made some great improvements in gs and has had some nice results lately.

On Sunday, we kept it close by, traveling over to Pico for a VC slalom. Andrew Kimbell, starting to fire on all cylinders in slalom, took the win and the 72.9 score. Great Job!
Kippy, just missed the podium in 4th and Daniel Scherding 5th, Dan Martin in 10th. Julian and Ben, rounded out the top 15 with a 11th and 15th.
Zach Stockman, starting to make some moves in slalom as well with a strong 20th finish.


Whiteface NJR GS day 2
We had another great day at Whiteface. They guys skied well and made significant improvements on their start positions. The snow was soft again on Friday but the courses did hold up reasonably well. In the first run Cam and Kyle skied well and moved up to 20th and 15th, giving themselves great starts for the second run. Andrew cut his start position in half first run and moved from bib 121 up to 59th, very impressive given the conditions at the end of the first run. Spencer and Ben also made significant moves, from 82 up to 48 and 75 up to 49. Jack and Kenny did well in their first FIS GS races, moving up to 87 and 98.
Second run Kyle and Cam took advantage of their start positions and were able to secure 9th and 12th overall, 4th and 5th for J2's. Spencer moved up a few more spots into 42nd. Andrew had another good run and moved up to 48th overall, just ahead of Ben in 49th. Jack and Kenny skied well again second run finished up in 76th and 82nd.
The guys as a whole did a great job at these races, they skied well and consistently moved up every run. I am looking forward to the next set of NJR races at Stratton this Thursday and Friday.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday's NJR GS brought atypical conditions for Whiteface. Sunny, cold, no wind and fairly pleasant conditions greeted us for the first day of racing. The boys put themselves in a good position after first run. Dylan, Cam and Kyle were all in the top 15. Andrew Kimbell made a great move battling from 122 to 48 after run 1.
All the guys seemed much more confident on this world class hill then they did last season at this time.
We also have a large crew of 990's, getting their first fis gs starts of their careers. They did a great job as well, doing battle in the 120's and 130's and finding out what it takes to be starting there again.
Second run, a little more direct and the guys a little late on the adjustment, found themselves moving back a bit, but still a very productive day.

results are on

one more day of racing here at Whiteface.

upcoming races;

Saturday, Feb 12th USSA group travels to Sunapee for GS
Sunday, Feb. 13th VC SL at PICO


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Whiteface njr schedule

Everyone is on the board and in the race
The schedule for tomorrow is as follows
Registrartion opens at 7:30
Athletes load the bear lift at 8:15
Warmup is on parkway from 8:30-9:30
Warmup is from midstation down
Inspection opens at 8:45 the window closes at 9:15
Start is at 9:45
Second run inspection opens at noon
Start is 1
Let me know if you have any questions

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

We are still here and made it through the snowstorm. The Loaf got about a foot of new overnight and unfortunately even though we put in a lot of work; slipping, shoveling, putting up fence and cat work, we were unable to pull the mens sg off today.
However, the future looks bright, as we have a sunny day in store for tomorrow. Not to jinks ourselves but, it looks as though we can get a sg race off tomorrow.

Here are a few pics from the start of the downhill training run on Monday.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Over the weekend the boys were busy running slalom at Suicide on Saturday and gs, at home, on Needles on Sunday.

Great show Saturday at a classic old Vermont slalom hill, Suicide Six. With the Middlebury ski team there in full force it was time to grab a good opportunity. The guys didn't disappoint as quite a few guys punched it into the flip for second run.

Spencer, Andrew, Julian, Jake and Kip all had reasonably good first runs. As well as Zach Stockman, skiing some of his best slalom to date.
However it's never everyone's day all at once. Andrew Kimbell came away with a solid second run and a nice result. Good job Andrew!

Sunday brought a little light snow and colder temps by afternoon. As we have been training on Needles on Thursday mornings the guys are starting to figure out that the terrain and tactics play a big role in skiing well on this hill.

Cam led the charge in 9th, 5th after first run and not far off the crew of Williams College guys. Tyler Guth in 11th, Jake in 12th and Daniel Martin in 13th.
David Schindler, with a strong second run, came in 17th and Jack and Jeffry were not far off in 28th and 32nd. Both of whom had some very good one run skiing and made some small mistakes in the other, holding them out of a top 25 result.

Good weekend Boys!