KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stratton NJR SL Day 2

We have reached the end of the NJR FIS races in the east this winter. The conditions today were challenging to say the least. It rained off and on through the first run and for most of the second run. Our guys did a good job adjusting to the terrain and unusual snow conditions. Dylan made it down for the race today after a day off yesterday. He skied well first run and skied himself into 10th overall after being 5th in the second run. Dan Martin also did a good job in the rain and skied up to 24th overall from bib 32, 12th for J2's. Mike Ferri nearly cut his bib in half, moving from 57th up to 32nd, 19th for 2's. Dan Scherding more than cut his start number in half, from bib 69 to 33. Kenny did a great job today making it down two runs and moving up to 58th after starting 138, he now has two FIS slalom finishes and will have a greatly improved start number after the next list. Today had a fairly high number of DNF's due to the ruts and inconsistent surface. 140 started first run and finished up with 75 at the end of the day.

Today also marked the last chance for J2's to collect points in the race to qualify for J2 nationals at Sugarloaf next month. After DNF's by many of the J2's that were in the hunt to qualify the day turned into a bit of a nail biter. At the end of the day our boys benefited from consistently strong results through out the season. With 20 J2 men qualifying from the east KMS had a very strong performance this season, we will be sending 3 athletes to nationals this year.

Congratulations to Kyle Burcin, Cam Price, and Dan Martin who will be representing Killington Mountain School and the Eastern region at J2 Nationals at Sugarloaf in March.

I will get some pictures posted later this weekend.


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