KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whiteface NJR GS day 2
We had another great day at Whiteface. They guys skied well and made significant improvements on their start positions. The snow was soft again on Friday but the courses did hold up reasonably well. In the first run Cam and Kyle skied well and moved up to 20th and 15th, giving themselves great starts for the second run. Andrew cut his start position in half first run and moved from bib 121 up to 59th, very impressive given the conditions at the end of the first run. Spencer and Ben also made significant moves, from 82 up to 48 and 75 up to 49. Jack and Kenny did well in their first FIS GS races, moving up to 87 and 98.
Second run Kyle and Cam took advantage of their start positions and were able to secure 9th and 12th overall, 4th and 5th for J2's. Spencer moved up a few more spots into 42nd. Andrew had another good run and moved up to 48th overall, just ahead of Ben in 49th. Jack and Kenny skied well again second run finished up in 76th and 82nd.
The guys as a whole did a great job at these races, they skied well and consistently moved up every run. I am looking forward to the next set of NJR races at Stratton this Thursday and Friday.

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