KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, October 21, 2011

Austria Day 6: First Slalom Session

Today we moved over to #6, the primary SL venue at Stubai. It's a really cool spot at the very top of the glacier, actually the highest point(3200 m) of any ski area in Tirol, which is a region of the alps made up of different areas in neighboring countries. Kind of like New England in a way. It's a relatively long slope that starts out relatively steep. It's a long pitch that gradually flattens out down to the t-bar. There are roughly ten lanes for SL in a very small bowl surrounded by towering peaks that seemed to be right on top of us. It almost feels like a massive natural stone stadium.

The guys got in eight runs today and they all did very well. To be honest, much better even than I expected for the first day. The coaches are excited to see what kinds of jumps they can further make as a group in the next two sessions. We will move over to the steepest hill on the glacier for SL session number two tomorrow. It is a BIG day for the guys, stay tuned to find out why.

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