KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, November 28, 2011

We ended a great camp today with one more day of GS on ADG. A tighter set up top and slightly more swing on the bottom into the flats posed some difficultly for the crew. DMN was fast today, as well as Kiersten just nipping Kristi by a 100th. The candy bar winners!

thanks for a great camp! I hope some colder temps come East so these guys can keep it going.

I head another 6 hours east on Wednesday for a six start European swing in Austria and Italy. Watch for posts!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Today we went back to GS on ADG, a relatively rhythmical GS about 25 -26 meter set with 22 turns and one delay. Andy's Dbl. Gold, is fairly steep out of the start then rolls to a moderate but consistent pitch and then about 8 turns on the flats. Tom and I were pleased with the gs session as we are started to see some good adaptations going on in the athletes movement patterns. After our 6 runs we took another 3 directed free runs on Broadway.

Tomorrow is our last day of GS on ADG once again. Mammoth has been great giving us what we need with limited terrain available for them this time of year. The snow surface has been great and the weather clear and sunny. The other KMS groups coming in should have some great training. Snow is in the forecast for Thursday.

Tomorrow afternoon we travel back to Reno and fly the following day.

thanks for following.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nice Satin Jacket!

Slalom clips from Friday, November 25.
Excellent day of slalom yesterday. A extremely difficult set on ADG with distances and rhythms consistently changes and moving across the hill. The group did a outstanding job across the board for where we are in the progression. The snow has been outstanding, with warmer days and still cold nights, the surface is getting to the firm, packed, grippy surface that the ski reacts quite predictable based on the input you give it. This is when the learning curve is huge.

Saturday is another regeneration day; am study hall, ski tuning, and a little relaxing before we finish up with our last 2 days of GS.

I'll have some pictures in the next blog.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday! Get your shopping done, but keep the pepper spray at home! We'll be out training slalom in the afternoon block today. So the crew has extra long to digest and do a little SH this morning.

Here are some more pics from yesterday!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Mammoth. Yes, another delightful day, as am training went off without a hitch, great snow conditions and increased volume for the crew. We set 2 courses on Andy's Dbl. Gold, one from the top and one halfway down the pitch. That way those that needed a good feeling before tackling the top down could do so.
Then it was inside to get the turkey's in the oven and prep for the big dinner. Heather H. has been cranking out great meals and keeping the kids square in the studyhall dept. Thanks HH!

No SH today as the staff has some feelings once in awhile. The crew got to relax, do some recovery, watch football and EAT-Dan Martin!

I'll have some slalom pictures up later as we're having slight internet issues at the moment.

Best Thanksgiving to you and your family, celebrate Love, Peace and Family!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/23/11 Slalom,

We started off our slalom block today on Ralphie's. A short course with easy to moderate terrain, yet a consistent pitch. The guys and gals did a really good job. Our fundamental work; one ski skiing, which today was spent without poles, and consistent ankle tension throughout the turn is paying off. We are going to need some upper body and pole plant work tomorrow as we move over to Andy's Dbl. Gold for the morning session before the turkey feast.

Have a good one yourself and we'll check in tomorrow.

Pictures from the last day of GS and today's slalom session.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

having trouble with the pics, here we go again!
Sleep in day here in Mammoth. Another bluebird day, so sad, Ha Ha! The guys and gays will head to town after SH.

Tomorrow we start our short ski block. Welcome Jack and Kiersten.

Here are some shots from yesterdays training session. See if you can guess the future KMS'r there?


Monday, November 21, 2011

Bright sunshine and about a foot of new overnight greeted us this morning here in Mammoth. We had a good split session for our last of this block. Some directed free skiing in the am and 11 am training on Andy's Dbl Gold. The snow was a bit soft for us Easterner's, but the girls and guys did a good job.
When the snows soft, its a whole different ball game. Good balance and correct pressure control are key, exactly what we have been working on the past few days. We got 6 runs under bluebird skies so the staff was happy with that.

Then we had a good 5 on 5 full court b-ball game down at Snow Creek Athletic Club, along with a nice lift and cool down spin on their super quiet and smooth spinning bikes.

Just enough time left for study hall, dinner, meeting and video. That's our day..

Off day tomorrow, as we like to call it, regeneration day for our next training block. A little study hall, trip to town, tune skis, short threshold workout is on the horizon.

I'll get some pictures up soon.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Well, the weather caught us by surprise with about 10" of new this morning. So that put a damper on our gs training today. But we got some good runs in this morning with a little powder and then working on our balance in the chopped up crud.

The snow should be decreasing during the afternoon and we should be good for GS tomorrow.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

The athletes enjoyed another top 10 day here in Mammoth. Continued good progress and good volume was had by all. We are bringing a little GS to the table tomorrow morning to try and bring that progress into the gates.
Mammoth works well with our needs for space out here and the snow is super firm for out west, so there is no reason it shouldn't be another good day!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Back in Mammoth, it feels like my second home. The usual mammoth style snow; tight, hardpacked and hero. Can't ask for more.

The winds kicked up in the high sierra today and shut down some lift on us but not before we had a very productive day of free skiing and drill work. We stayed with our current theme from back home of; ankle flexion, a balanced stance and developing pressure to the fall line. A great job was done by all.

Kelly took the ankle turns contest, Kristie, working hard on her 1 ski skiing, Dan looking for that smooth turn release and Tyler improving his athletic skiing. Nice job by all.

Tomorrow, we try our luck on the long boards.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Well everyone is rolling into KMS and testing and training is resuming for all. Most of the guys got through our testing with improving numbers across the board. Very well done Guys!

It shows you are doing your homework.
