KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bright sunshine and about a foot of new overnight greeted us this morning here in Mammoth. We had a good split session for our last of this block. Some directed free skiing in the am and 11 am training on Andy's Dbl Gold. The snow was a bit soft for us Easterner's, but the girls and guys did a good job.
When the snows soft, its a whole different ball game. Good balance and correct pressure control are key, exactly what we have been working on the past few days. We got 6 runs under bluebird skies so the staff was happy with that.

Then we had a good 5 on 5 full court b-ball game down at Snow Creek Athletic Club, along with a nice lift and cool down spin on their super quiet and smooth spinning bikes.

Just enough time left for study hall, dinner, meeting and video. That's our day..

Off day tomorrow, as we like to call it, regeneration day for our next training block. A little study hall, trip to town, tune skis, short threshold workout is on the horizon.

I'll get some pictures up soon.


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