KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Mammoth. Yes, another delightful day, as am training went off without a hitch, great snow conditions and increased volume for the crew. We set 2 courses on Andy's Dbl. Gold, one from the top and one halfway down the pitch. That way those that needed a good feeling before tackling the top down could do so.
Then it was inside to get the turkey's in the oven and prep for the big dinner. Heather H. has been cranking out great meals and keeping the kids square in the studyhall dept. Thanks HH!

No SH today as the staff has some feelings once in awhile. The crew got to relax, do some recovery, watch football and EAT-Dan Martin!

I'll have some slalom pictures up later as we're having slight internet issues at the moment.

Best Thanksgiving to you and your family, celebrate Love, Peace and Family!


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