KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Saturday, February 18, 2012

As the "winter that wasn't" continues, the men's alpine takes a short break from thinking about skiing to doing some other activities. We are refreshing our minds and our bodies for our upcoming March race block.

Our last NJR series at Stratton just completed with some good results. On Wednesday, in the makeup Devo GS, the guys took 3 of the top 20 spots with Kyle leading the way in 9th, Dan 13, and Cam 17th. Mike, rounded out the top 30 in 26th. Wyatt, also made another strong move in GS from 105 to 44. And Marshall and Jeffry, in their first FIS GS, went from 111-76 and 114-82, respectively.

On Thursday a tough first run set made the first NJR slalom a good challenge. Kyle and James fought hard and were rewarded for their efforts by both landing on the podium in 2nd and 3rd. Wyatt also made another nice move from 80 start position to 25.

Overnight brought a wet 2 inches of snow that added some more challenge to Friday's event. Dan hung on for 16th with 2 solid runs and Ben just missed the top 30 in 33rd. Wyatt, picked up 40 spot again to 40th overall and Andrew was in 49th.

Nice job Guys! and Congratulations to the JII Nationals crew of Kyle, James and Wyatt. A great achievement but just one in the many more to come in your careers. Don't settle!

Let's pray for snow and winter to stay around for another seven weeks or so of racing.


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