KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wow, haven't been posting in some time. Busy last 3 weeks to say the least. The boys have been at SG's in NH in mid-January, to Mt. Ste. Anne in Quebec, to Sugarloaf for speed week, locally at some slaloms at Suicide 6, to Whiteface for NJR GS's, to States at Okemo and finally to Stratton for NJR SL's at the end of this week. Then we will have a much needed 4 days break to refuel and renergize for the remainder of the season.

Recently, Dan Martin, followed his 10th place finish in the GS at Whiteface, to both tech victories in Vermont State Champs. Good Job! DMN and way to bring your Dodgeball game! In the slalom, Dylan was 3rd, Ben - 5th, Mike -6th and Julian 9th.
In the GS; Andrew moved to 9th and Julian took 12th.

Nice work Guys!

Short week this week as the State SG is today and then a day off followed by a short week of training. We also have the NJR Slaloms going on at Stratton. Check live-timing and Good Luck!


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