KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The boys did another nice job today.  Another early morning and long day filled with GS and SG.  We started a bit higher up the pitch on the west side #23 and ran all the way down to #6.  The skiing is coming along on the speed skis as the crew is getting more comfortable, balanced and then the speed will come.
Then we took a short break while the larger Mt. Hood camps filled the lift lines.  And then it was time for a few runs of GS in a arythmical, changing tempo, 25 meter set.  The boys stepped right up and performed well.  We still have work to do with our lateral balance and cleaning up the finish of our turns but they are looking good for June 28th.

We're back at SG again tomorrow followed by some free skiing GS.  And then we'll wrap things up on Saturday with full length GS.

As you can see we're not always in balance.
But it works out much better when we are!

Wednesday was an epic day training at Mt. Hood.  Strong, bright sunshine, blue skies and hard snow.  The boys second day on GS skis and they got 5 runs on SG skis as well.  Same place, same time today and we'll see if we can get another good one in.  All the guys are making some good improvements with their balance, transition and movements. 
They also managed to kill it on the cooking front as well, as they put together some mean soft shell tacos last night for dinner. 


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Third day here at Mt. Hood.  We actually skied in the sunshine for a few runs today.  Many miles and a lot of free skiing and drill work is paying off.  The boys are starting to ski well and with some new found balance!  The day started off with a 45 minute snowstorm, then things got bright and the sun even came out.  So we headed up to the top of Palmer and took some runs out in the eastern most lanes continuing to work on the same focuses, just tipping the hill up a bit.

Good work today guys.  We have had a lot of volume over the past couple days and will try to sum things up tomorrow before our day off. 


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 2 @ Mt. Hood, much like day one, wet, windy, and lot of volume.  The boys pushed through again today to turn something out of nothing.  The staff is pleased with what we're getting accomplished given what mother nature is throwing at us.  Mother Nature continues to hang around with a wet system but we are utilizing the mile to push the focus of "Skiing in Balance".  Everyone has a little different sub-focus and we like what we see.  At the moment we have clearer and cooler weather at the Cooper Spur and high hopes for tomorrow. 
Kyle's in town and joins us for tomorrow to make a nice working group of 7. 

Look for some pics a bit later.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Up and running at Mt. Hood for Camp #1.  The guys are pumped to get back on snow, me too actually!  Great travel day today, flights, weather and the easy drive up through Hood River to Rte. 35 to the Cooper Spur Lodge.  Tom always finds the cool places; friendly atmosphere, nice people and beautiful scenery.  What more could you ask for. 
First day on will be tomorrow, bright and early, as breakfast is served at 5:15 am. 

The boys got a light aerobic and coordination workout and a little fun with a couple beach volleyball games.  Coaches team swept!

Here's a nice sideways shot of Hood from Rte 35 in the distance.  Looks like a lot of snow, the turning should be good.