KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Up and running at Mt. Hood for Camp #1.  The guys are pumped to get back on snow, me too actually!  Great travel day today, flights, weather and the easy drive up through Hood River to Rte. 35 to the Cooper Spur Lodge.  Tom always finds the cool places; friendly atmosphere, nice people and beautiful scenery.  What more could you ask for. 
First day on will be tomorrow, bright and early, as breakfast is served at 5:15 am. 

The boys got a light aerobic and coordination workout and a little fun with a couple beach volleyball games.  Coaches team swept!

Here's a nice sideways shot of Hood from Rte 35 in the distance.  Looks like a lot of snow, the turning should be good.


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