KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The boys did another nice job today.  Another early morning and long day filled with GS and SG.  We started a bit higher up the pitch on the west side #23 and ran all the way down to #6.  The skiing is coming along on the speed skis as the crew is getting more comfortable, balanced and then the speed will come.
Then we took a short break while the larger Mt. Hood camps filled the lift lines.  And then it was time for a few runs of GS in a arythmical, changing tempo, 25 meter set.  The boys stepped right up and performed well.  We still have work to do with our lateral balance and cleaning up the finish of our turns but they are looking good for June 28th.

We're back at SG again tomorrow followed by some free skiing GS.  And then we'll wrap things up on Saturday with full length GS.

As you can see we're not always in balance.
But it works out much better when we are!


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