KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Great start to the slalom race season in Mammoth.  Even with soft snow conditions and relentless winds the race went on the the guys did a great job.  Pete Spangler got on track with a 8th place, 1st for U18 class.  Dan Martin, with a tough second run got bumped to 15th overall just missing the U21 podium with the SNC guys.  Johnny Schwartz, stepped up his game second run to hold on to 16th, Jeffry, a great day in 18th.  Tommy Shebell, 23rd and a U18 podium, excellent results for him.  Ryan Z., after a hike first run, showed his speed from 40th start second run to 10th fastest for the run, overall 24th.  Spencer Wood in 49th and Graham, 51st. 
Stodgell and Tomasso will have another crack at it today. 

Consider us lucky, ski racing!  Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families impacted in this tragedy in Newtown, CT.

Peace, JB

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