KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Busy break here at KMS.  Snow, night races, early am training.  A huge thanks goes out to the mountain for getting us on the lifts early over this past weekend.  We had pretty good training even with the busy holiday week, 2 snow storms and colder temps.  Once the crowds settle down and the cold nights tighten up the snow for us, we should have some fantastic training.  Keep u posted. 

Above are some shots from my recent trip to Tremblant before break where we lost a race due to some heavy snow up there.  Next we went to Cochrans on the 27th during that snow storm.  Super soft conditions, running the same 1st course allowed for a decent track considering.  Kyle, moved up from 23rd to 7 and Andrew ended on the front page as well in 14th.  Dan, Shane and James went 17-19 with Wyatt in 23rd.  Ryan Z. in 28th with a nice 2nd run rounded out the top 30th. 

Then we were off to Proctor on New Year's Eve.  2013 will certainly be brighter then we were on the 31st.  The snow was a littler tighter, lights brighter but we couldn't reel things in for 2 runs.  Kyle was just out of the flip for 1st run, but was a little too aggressive with his line down the pitch and went out.  Dan skied solid both runs as he is still really in preparation mode, working on several things.  James, attacked much more 2 nd run and so did Mike, but they gave up too much ground 1 st run.

The EC guys head to Attitash tomorrow for a 4 day tech series there.  USSA crew will head to Smuggs on Friday for the weekend and the U16 guys battle it out at Pico in slalom.


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