KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, January 21, 2013

KMS/KSC keeps the banner at the recent MVC U16 SL at Suicide 6.  MLK day proved to be a good one as both the men's and women's team stepped up their game on Suicide's steep front face. 
RZ led the charge again with a strong overall performance and a "slaying" second run.  Greg Osbourne from Okemo was 2nd and Jonathon Schwartz, after a very solid first run, slipped to third to round out the podium.  Rounding out the top 10 was a good skiing day from Tomasso Auerbach in 7th and PSJ-Patrick Salisbury-Jennings in 10th.  Ian Clarke had some difficulties on and pitch while Spencer Wood and Graham Campson improved their placings, since the first race at Pico, to 43 and 45 respectively. 

A bit of travel upcoming, as we'll take a crew north of the border to Collingwood for some mid-season Can Am races and others will stay close to home with another slalom at Suicide and a GS at Killington. 


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