KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, February 11, 2008

February Break

Well we had another Super-g postponed today, the FIS race at Okemo. The race organizers are confident they can get two races in tomorrow so hopefully we will not loose a race.
Our February break has been cut into because of the State super-g being rescheduled. It is now scheduled for Monday the 18th... right in the middle of our projected break time. So we are going to have training through Sunday. J1's will race on the 17th at Middlebury and the J2's will most likely train on Sunday. The plan now is to still take a break but cut it down to just Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Training will start up again on Thursday the 21st. We will keep you posted on the day to day changes and announcements. Sorry for the lull in blog postings, it has been a long hard charge at the races lately. Yeah and whats the deal, nobody ever leaves comments for us on the blog... whats up are you guys reading this stuff? We do like to hear from the parents! lol. Tomorrow the van for Okemo leaves at 7 am and training here at Killington starts after adviser meetings. No morning sport and guys not going to Okemo are going to train GS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

parker "lol" come on man.