KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Okemo FIS Super-G races

Today was another cold one at Okemo! The boys did pretty well. Danny Moore moved up 20 spots from his start position in both races. Kris Hopkins walked away with a win for the J2 age class and earned himself an Iron Wolf sticker for his helmet. Good job Hoppy!! Highlight of the day was for sure; the tenacity of Tyler Flinn. In the first race he went down on his hip and through a fence. He was trapped only for a moment between the two layered section of fence. He never lost sight of the finish line. He quickly crawled out from under the fence... with his skis still on. He asked the gate keeper if he could continue. Both the gate keeper and the chief of course yelled out yeah go for it. Tyler had not missed a gate so he was allowed to continue. This is not really standard operating protocol for a speed event, but none the less it is completely legal. Good fight Tyler, way to go. You showed that fence who was boss! In the second race Tyler shaved 50 seconds of his first run time... If there was an award for most improved... hands down Tyler would get it.
Tomorrow we will plan to leave school just after lunch for those traveling to Whiteface for the FIS development GS races. For those not going; follow schedule that is posted on the board outside the coaches office.


Peter Sig said...

Parker, do I read the blog? Everyday! Hey, how 'bout some more pictures?

skiingbeers said...

Keep on posting...we visit blog everyday. More photos!