KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

schedule for 1/14-1/15

1/14 Morning sport on your own, Spin or jump rope 10 min. Good dynamic stretch and 250 core. Gym will be open by 7:15am.
We are training GS turnshape on Needles Eye... dress warm... maybe bring some extra clothes, we can bring a coat bag and fill it, leave it at the bottom and cycle it around for you guys as needed. Plan ahead! Afternoon session will be either more turnshape drills or free skiing on SG skis... So if you have the afternoon off from exams please be prepared to ski either GS or SG.

1/15 Morning sport: on your own same as previous day. Again bring both SG and GS gear for on hill training. Call one of us if you have questions.

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