KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, January 26, 2009

Training on Needles Eye

The skiing was awesome today! Cold yet sunny. Most of the boys stripped down to their speed suits to really get a feel of the speed today. On Sunday we trained turn-shape on Bunny then we moved to some more challenging terrain today on Needles Eye. The turn-shape drill is fairly simple but extremely important. After the course is set one of the coaches sets a brush gate marker directly above the turning pole of the gate... approximately 4,6, or 8 meters above the gate, depending on terrain and judged speed entering the turn. The marker serves as a visual cue for the athletes to start the turn. The object of the drill is to stay above the brush. If you go under it then the athlete is going too straight at the gates and consequently starts having issues tactically/technically in the course. Today on steeper terrain some guys had issues holding the line above the brushes. I think they all learned a lot today and these VALUABLE training days should pay off when it comes to race day. We shall see who retains the skills. -Coaches

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