KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Session

Today was a bit cold up on the hill but the boys seemed to manage just fine. We trained GS turn shape on Bunny Buster. My camera malfunctioned on the hill so sorry we have no video. We did however bring out the radar gun to see how fast the boys were going. Top Speed was 45mph, Danny,Sam,Jimmy,Rob and Shane all hit 45mph. The rest of the boys were close behind hitting 43 and 44mph. The boys are starting to feel what is fast and what is not. I hope that parents understand that today's training was more beneficial than going to a race and getting 2 runs on a course possibly one. We had easily 10 runs in gates which is about 180 gates of GS. This week should be real good training for the boys. We have some great hill space available to us and the plan is to take full advantage of the opportunity. February first is our next race. It is a GS at Stratton and then we get into some State Championship events. This training block should help the boys going into those events. If you have any questions feel free to give a call. -Coaches

And good luck to Tyler and Matt up at Speed Week... Think like a bullet boys!!

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