KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Attitash Day 1

We have finished the first day of SL here in New Hampshire. Given the amount of rain here over the last week the hill is in great condition. While the race trail is the only one open on Bear Peak the coverage isn't too bad, although a bit narrow.
The boys did a great job first run, everyone skied well and moved up. Jake moved up into 6th followed by Dylan in 7th. Kip also made it into the top 15 with an 11th place finish on the first run. Dan Martin skied into 18th and Cam moved up to 24th. Kyle made a huge jump from 107th into 30th. spencer skied up to 56th from 110, and Ben was 58th on the run. Dan Scherding moved up to 70th. The track held up much better than expected and allowed the guys in the back to make huge moves toward the front of the race.

The second run saw a few disappointing DNF's, but the level of skiing in improving daily with this group. Unfortunately Dylan and Cam both straddled in the second run, Spencer also had trouble but hiked to get a finish. On a brighter note Jake skied well again in the second run and lead the group with an 8th place finish and a 91 point result. Kip was right on his heels in 9th. Dan Martin rounded out the top 15 for KMS in 15th place. Kyle continued moving up with another solid run, ending up in 16th in his first FIS SL. Dan Martin rounded out the top 15 for KMS in 15th place. Ben skied well again second run and finished in 36th, more than cutting his bib in half from starting 75. Dan Scherding finshed 50th, and with a little deviation from the course Spencer was held to 76th.
The boys are psyched and ready to go for tomorrow. We are looking forward to a possibly wider race venue with the help of the groomers tonight. Hopefully the snow holds up through the day and into the GS's this weekend.
I will try to check back in tomorrow and let you know how the day goes.

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