KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, December 17, 2010

Attitash SL #2
Today the guys had the second SL of this trip on Illusion at Attitash. First run was another fairly easy set that allowed to boys to ski fast and rewarded those who can run a direct line and hold on through the finish.
Again today we had a large group of guys ski very fast on the run and move into the flip. Dylan again was fastest, Skiing into 9th, Followed by Jake in 14th, Kip in 16th, Dan in 25th and Kyle in 26th. Dan Scherding also improved on his bib and moved up to 64th. Spencer had some trouble in a few places but moved up to 79th. Ben had some trouble on the middle and unfortunately moved back to 88th.
I took the opportunity second run to set a course that had more offset than the previous three courses this trip. Some of the top guys had trouble adjusting to the bigger turn shape, continuing to go straight and blowing out a few gates onto the lower pitch. Our guys on the other hand had a great inspection and made the right adjustments for the terrain. Jake skied up into 7th with an 81 point result. He was followed by Kyle in 8th with an 82 point race, he was second on the second run, behind fellow 95 Griffin Brown. Kip raced int 12th and an 85 point result, and Dan was 17th with a 91 point result. Dan Scherding cut his bib on half by finishing in 49th. spencer had some trouble second run, but held on for 64th.
The bummer of the day was Dylan's 3rd place finish on the day, unfortunitly he was disqualified for straddling a gate on the lower pitch. He has shown that he has a lot of speed, he just needs to find a little more consistency.

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