KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, December 10, 2010

The boys now have their first FIS slalom of the year under their belts. We got up today and I treated the boys to pancakes for breakfast. We went up to the mountain a little early and got in a few runs of SL with the SMS guys. The skiing was pretty good, although the warm-up hill was a bit more challenging than the actual race hill.
After a break we went back up for the race. Kip and Dylan both had some trouble first run, they skied well but were a bit amped up and tried to cut off the line at the wrong times, resulting in a pair of hikes. Cam and Mike had more success on the run, they skied well and tied for 17th on the run.
Second run Mike was able to keep moving up into 12th and scored a career best 105 fis result. Cam ran into some trouble on the pitch and straddled, resulting in a DNF. Despite his hike first run and poor starting position Dylan posted the 7th best time second run. He moved from 36th wall the way back up to 17th. Dylan wasn't able to score a result, but he did show the speed that he is capable of on the second run. starting last on the second run Kip made it down with a solid run, but was D.Q.ed for straddling a gate.
The guys are trying to finish up tuning before bed. Tomorrow brings the promise of another opportunity to take care of buisness and ski fast. We will be sleeping in and using the morning for homework and final ski prep.
See ya'll in the AM

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