KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Photos

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More on the link

Ok... Highlight it then Copy and paste into your browser. I tried it and it works.

Danny Moore on the Killington website Right click the link...cut it... and paste it into your browser. Then click video to watch... Nice one cheek sneak Danny!

Wednesday 11/28/07

The boys had their first day in a brush course today. We trained 5 runs in the course and free skied as well. It looked like everyone got something out of the day. Upper East Fall was in great shape, good amount of snow and a pretty hard surface too. Tomorrow it looks like we will train with the girls on Highline and continue working on slalom turn-shape drills. Morning sport is off Thursday. The boys should be done by 5 pm for those planning to pick-up. Friday morning sport starts at 7:30am. Stay tuned for more updates and the weekend schedule.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Today's photos

Return From Thanks Giving

Hello Race Fans,

We hope that everyone ate a lot of turkey and enjoyed the holiday break.
Killington got a little bit of snow over the night, however, it turned to rain by the time we were heading out on the hill for training. The athletes took a couple of free runs to start the morning and then just like the Red Sox in their pre season, we jumped into our drill progressions focusing on balance and fundamentals. The best drill of the day had to be the one ski "Whirly Birds" that the guys attempted and most pulled off with a graceful touch. It looked like an episode of dancing with the stars, mountain edition!
This afternoon we will do a team stretch and a core workout.
I saw Kevin out on the hill today so their may be some pictures up later this evening.

Hope all is well,


Morning Sport off Tommorow.

8:00 am all school Assembly

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Sunny Day in Killington!

Another great day on the hill!
The team started their day at 7:30 am in the gym. We went through a mobility and dynamic stretching workout followed by a core workout. After the gym the team headed to the dinning hall for a well prepared breakfast. At 8:45 am we headed up to the hill. The temps were in the 20's and the skies were blue. Being some of the first on the hill we were able to get some wide open trails, allowing the guys to let it rip a little bit. The team skied on Bunny Buster for the majority of the morning. We went through a number of runs with no poles and then moved into a few runs of the "Schloppy Drill." For the end of training the guys took a couple of free ski runs on their own. The great pictures below are from Kevin.
For Lunch today Joseph and Tammy, the cooking staff, had prepared one of the best meals I've had in a long time. it was a full Turkey dinner, with everything that anyone would want. The food has been unbelievable this year! On the subject of Food, we have Dr. Matt Gammons coming tonight to talk to the school on sports nutrition and healthy food choices.

Hope all are well!

Morning sport tomorrow (Tuesday Nov. 20th) will be at 7:00am.

19 November Photos

I'll let one of the other coaches tell how the morning went, but here are a few photos to keep things interesting.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend Skiing

What a great day on the hill! Sunny, Blue Skies and amazing snow. The boys spent the morning free skiing and doing a few balance drills. Tomorrow we will continue progressing into more edging drills combined with more balance. Morning Sport starts at 7:30 on Monday and 7 am on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of the day and GO PATS!!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Killington Opening Day

Killington opened for the 07-08 season today, with several trails, fresh snow, and solid base depths throughout.  I opted to ski a few laps on the North Ridge Triple, and I caught up with Parker, Doug, and some of the athletes as they were taking a few runs on Rime.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Snow flakes and Rain Drops

Hello Race Fans!

The past few days the group has had great dryland training. We have gotten a couple of strength workouts in, plyos, agility and of course some fun speed ball games. The conditioning has been great, however, with snow on the mountain the last week and a half the athletes have been frothing at the mouth to get there boots on and make some turns. Well tomorrow the athletes will be able to make those turns. We plan on leaving for the lifts right after breakfast. We are all very excited to get up on the hill.
Here is a photo from last year at this time, this is a couple of days into our on hill progression.

Think more snow!

KMS Coaches

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday 11/12

Sorry this is so short, we had a great training session today, some of the boys lifted while others did Physical Testing. All the boys look strong. The rumor was true but now the management has decided to hold off letting us ski early. They need to groom it out and get a bit more coverage on some trails before they let us on. Looks like Friday will be the day. Morning sport is at 7:00 for Tuesday, 7:30 Wednesday, OFF on Thursday and 7:30 Friday. We will be having a team meeting Tuesday afternoon (tomorrow) to go over goals and other team related nuts and bolts. Please plan accordingly so everyone can be there!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday 11/11

We had a great day at the fields this morning. We played several games of speed-ball and had an obstacle course relay race. Team 2 won by a slim margin of 3 seconds.
The rumor going around is that we may get to ski this week! The Mountain management has expressed an interest in opening early JUST for Athletes and coaches. Parents of day students, make sure the kids have ski gear with them for Monday. Chances are very slim that we will actually ski Monday but it would be great if they could be prepared. The beginning of the season is so hectic, some kids don't have passes yet, some do not have all their gear. The first day we do ski all the kids will need are; skis, boots, poles, snow pants, jacket, pass and HELMET/goggles. At this point in the game they can ski on what ever they have for equipment as long as it is old. They should not be skiing on their new gear yet. We need to check the snow coverage first before we bring out the good stuff. Morning sport starts at 7:30am Monday.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday 11/9/07

Today we went down to the Shurburn fields to play some speedball and do some plyo's. The guys split into 3 groups, one doing plyo's and 2 playing ball. I think Patricks team took it all going 2-1-0. I got burned badly by Naro's soccer skills and Parker's ridiculous sprinting ability. The guys worked out hard and have a well deserved day off tomorrow. I know I need one to heal up and I would hope they need it!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday 11/8/07

Testing is officially over for some. Late arrivals will have to go through the series of tests next week. Every one put 100% into their testing and everyone improved in 1 or more of their test results from the past. The team is getting bigger with the arrival of the two Spangler brothers. Soon we will have the whole team together for the season. Hopefully this Blog idea works for every one, we stole the idea from the Freestyle team. It has been a while since they have had a good idea so I figure we should at least give them some credit... Just kidding coaches. lol We will get some pictures posted soon... Hopefully the Freestyle coaches can help us with that!!