KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Sunny Day in Killington!

Another great day on the hill!
The team started their day at 7:30 am in the gym. We went through a mobility and dynamic stretching workout followed by a core workout. After the gym the team headed to the dinning hall for a well prepared breakfast. At 8:45 am we headed up to the hill. The temps were in the 20's and the skies were blue. Being some of the first on the hill we were able to get some wide open trails, allowing the guys to let it rip a little bit. The team skied on Bunny Buster for the majority of the morning. We went through a number of runs with no poles and then moved into a few runs of the "Schloppy Drill." For the end of training the guys took a couple of free ski runs on their own. The great pictures below are from Kevin.
For Lunch today Joseph and Tammy, the cooking staff, had prepared one of the best meals I've had in a long time. it was a full Turkey dinner, with everything that anyone would want. The food has been unbelievable this year! On the subject of Food, we have Dr. Matt Gammons coming tonight to talk to the school on sports nutrition and healthy food choices.

Hope all are well!

Morning sport tomorrow (Tuesday Nov. 20th) will be at 7:00am.

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