KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday 11/11

We had a great day at the fields this morning. We played several games of speed-ball and had an obstacle course relay race. Team 2 won by a slim margin of 3 seconds.
The rumor going around is that we may get to ski this week! The Mountain management has expressed an interest in opening early JUST for Athletes and coaches. Parents of day students, make sure the kids have ski gear with them for Monday. Chances are very slim that we will actually ski Monday but it would be great if they could be prepared. The beginning of the season is so hectic, some kids don't have passes yet, some do not have all their gear. The first day we do ski all the kids will need are; skis, boots, poles, snow pants, jacket, pass and HELMET/goggles. At this point in the game they can ski on what ever they have for equipment as long as it is old. They should not be skiing on their new gear yet. We need to check the snow coverage first before we bring out the good stuff. Morning sport starts at 7:30am Monday.

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