KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday 11/9/07

Today we went down to the Shurburn fields to play some speedball and do some plyo's. The guys split into 3 groups, one doing plyo's and 2 playing ball. I think Patricks team took it all going 2-1-0. I got burned badly by Naro's soccer skills and Parker's ridiculous sprinting ability. The guys worked out hard and have a well deserved day off tomorrow. I know I need one to heal up and I would hope they need it!


Mary Beth said...

great idea. Wondering what time training is next week in am so we can manage carpooling thanks so much Mary Beth

Peter Sig said...

Great idea guys....well done! This should prove really helpful to the day students this season.
