KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Results Update

Well I've been looking at our blog and trying to find race results... huh, we have not posted any. I guess we have just had our heads down and overlooked it. I'm terribly sorry for not updating the blog.

FEB 1st. Stratton GS: Rob Visconti 2nd place just .18 out of first!
Chad Naro 6th, Danny Moore 9th, Jim Ryan 10th.

Feb 4th Eastern Cup (FIS) Super-G: Danny Moore 15th, Jim Ryan 23rd, Chad Naro 26th, Matt Beers 30th. In the second Super-G Chad Naro placed 27th and Jim Ryan 30th.
Chaz Griffen was one of the only racers to improve their time on the second run! Most racers were 1 second slower but Chaz was a second faster! Nice adjustment Chaz!!!!

J1/Sr. Vermont State Championship SL: Chad Hedlund 1st, Jim Ryan 4th, Chad Naro 12th

J2 Vermont State Championship GS: Matt Beers 16th, Sam Bateman 17th, Kip Spangler 19th, Dylan Malone 25th.

J2 Vermont State Championship SL: Tyler Flinn 4th, Matt Beers 10th, Sam Bateman 18th, Nick Severini 26th.

Eastern Cup FISK Trophy SL (oldest running race in the US): Chad Hedlund 9th.

There are a lot of personal victories and improvements not mentioned here. All the boys deserve a pat on the back! They have been training hard and if the results are not there... be patient and keep fighting the good fight! Results will come in due time. Coaches are pleased with the effort and tenacity displayed by the team! There are still a lot of races coming up so stay tuned! State Championship SG TOMORROW! GO WOLF PACK!!!

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