KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Schedule for State SG and Whiteface travel plans

Van leaves at 6:50am! Bring extra clothes in case your gear gets wet.
Race skis should be brought to the top lodge and placed neatly under the deck. If you want your skis juiced then put a rubber band on your brakes... keep them strapped. Make darn sure your names are on your skis! We do not want to juice any non KMS/KSC athletes skis. If the above directions are not followed... NO JUICE FOR YOU!
Athletes that are into Whiteface GS races are: Rob Visconti, Matt Beers, Tyler Flinn.
Athletes not into Whiteface GS races, but are going anyway are: Tim Spangler, Jim Ryan, Danny Moore, Mark Grundy, Chad Naro.
The above mentioned guys should get ready tonight so that we can leave school by 3pm at the very latest... I would like to try and leave school by 2pm. It kinda depends on how the SG race goes time wise. As soon as Tyler Flinn is done his SG run We leave Okemo and head to KMS to pack up the van! So any of you guys that are driving to the race at Okemo bring GS skis and overnight gear too because you will probably not have time to go home to pack. We need to be super efficient with our time. If the plan changes during the day tomorrow I'll let you know.

We will roll the dice and try to get some guys in on the board tomorrow night. Last year the point cut off was 93 points USSA. It's always different year to year depending on how many Canadians and other foreign competitors enter the race. We never know until the board is called and all athletes have been represented.

So if you have points under 100 in GS you are on alert level ORANGE! That means you should be ready to leave school Wed night as soon as word gets to Mike. He will be driving the athletes that get into the race late... if any. Be ready regardless!

Athletes that are staying here at Killington for training should plan on training GS Thursday afternoon.

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