KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Schedule for WED thru FRI

I'll do another update for the weekend, J2's only training on Wednesday, J1's you need to take one more day off... make sure you get caught up with school work because a lot of you will be on a rigorous race schedule the next few weeks!
J2's we are training SL over at Pico, the vans leave KMS at 7:45am. Morning sport will be on your own, I'll get the gym open by 6:30am. Lifts open at 8 that is why schedule is bumped up a bit... if that changes I'll let you know.
On Thursday everyone will train GS in the afternoon, trail unknown... probably Highline since it's a vacation week.
Friday: Morning sport is "OYO" gym open at 6:30, everyone will train SL 7:50am Van... same deal with trail option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

morning sport on thurs?