KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Schedule for the Super-G races.

Yes I said races... they are going to run 2 Super-G races tomorrow! and no race on Thursday. Schedule for Thursday will be SL on Highline during normal training time... no morning sport.
Schedule for Wednesday: 7am depart from KMS
8:45am 9:00 window to get on the course for inspection.
9:30 course is closed
9:50 forerunners
10:00 start for run 1

Race 2
12-12:15 window to get on course for inspection.
12:15 course is closed
12:45 forerunners
1:00pm start.

Notes: Some of you guys with 990 points are in the snow seed. Look at the start list and see if you have a * next to your name. If you have a * next to your name that means you could potentially run ahead of the first seed guys. This is only for the first race! We will let you know if the race organizers decide to run the snow seed 1 hr prior to the start of the first race... that would be 9am. Be ready for the snow seed to run... and if it does not then no big deal... at least you will be ready.

For warm up you must go down a trail called "Jolly Green" this is a slow zone and will be monitored by patrol. So go slow there! Jolly Green will take you to "Wardance"... the normal race hill. Wardance is where you can open up the speed... remember to shut it down before you head into the intersecting trails at the bottom. Patrol will be there too. And they will be looking to pull bibs if warnings are not followed.

When you get off the chair at the top go to the right because if you go left towards the lodge there are a lot of rocks popping up... you do not want to ruin skis so go right after you get off the summit chair.

WAX CALL: HF7 if you have it otherwise LF7. Coaches will have additives for the overlay.

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