KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun day at the races

I went to Stratton today with the J1 boys. Chad Hedlund walked away with a win, putting two good runs together. Tim Spangler was Fourth and Rob Visconti finished 13th. The other three boys had some trouble in the first run and will fight another day. Torey took the J2 boys to Stowe for a slalom; Danny Moore finished 13th and teammates Chad Naro, Shane Hedlund finished 20th and 24th. Great day for the KMS guys. Jimmy and Kris are headed up to Sugarloaf for the Eastern Cup GS races, good luck and Kick... ah... Butt! Congrats to Chad Hedlund for winning the first IRON WOLF sticker... well deserved!
Communication lines got a bit tangled with coaches going in different directions. Training tomorrow is OPTIONAL, No morning Sport and we will be free skiing on GS skis... We leave at 8:45 for those who want to go... Keep in mind the next day off is not until Sunday the 20th. Be honest with yourselves. Take the day off if you need it. HYDRATE!!!

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